MSHI Coverage of the population (number of people)
16 501 913
Receipts of contributions and deductions (MSHI payments, in tenge)
279 743 807 324
Requests received
25 358

How to pay a fee


Who to pay for?


How many?

In 2024, 3% of the employee's salary, but not more than 25 500 tenge, since the object of calculation should not exceed 10 minimum wage.

Payment purpose code SP

It is necessary to transfer the contribution through any branch of a second-tier bank or Kazpost to the account:
BSN 160440007161
Payment purpose code - 121.


  • correctly indicate the IIN and full name of the recipient;
  • check the refund within 2-3 working days: if there is no refund, the individual entrepreneur and his employees have the right to receive medical care in the Compulsory social health insurance, if there is a refund, double-check the data;
  • prepare and submit reports to tax authorities;
  • notify your employees about the transfer of payment;
Individual entrepreneur

Who to pay for?

For yourself and employees

How many?

The monthly amount is fixed and in 2024 is 5 950 tenge - 5% of 1.4 minimum wages.
In 2018-2019, individual entrepreneurs were exempted from contributions.

Payment purpose code SP

Employer Contribution Payment Purpose Code: 121;
Payment purpose code SP: 122.

How to pay?

You can transfer the payment through any branch of the second-tier bank, Kazpost JSC, mobile applications, HalykBank, BCC.KZ, also through self-service terminals Cashier 24 and Qiwi wallet


  • correctly indicate the IIN and full name of the recipient;
  • check the refund within 2-3 working days: if there is no refund, have the right to receive medical care in the Compulsory social health insurance, if there is a refund, double-check the data;
  • prepare and submit reports to tax authorities;
  • notify your employees about the transfer of payment;
An individual working under a civil contract

Who to pay for?

Contributions from the income of an individual working on GPC are withheld and transferred by the service recipient (tax agent)

How many?

In 2024 - 2% of the income received under the contract.
The object of calculation should not exceed 10 minimum wages.

Payment purpose code SP


How to pay?

The service recipient must inform the individual working under the civil contract agreement about the contributions made to the Compulsory social health insurance. You can check the payment history through the egov or in Public Service Centers.

Salaried worker

Who to pay for?

Contributions from employees' income are withheld and paid by employers

How many?

In 2024 - 2% of wages.
The object of calculation should not exceed 10 minimum wages.

Payment purpose code SP


How to pay?

The employer must inform his employee about the contributions made to the OSHI. You can check the history of payments through the portal or in the Public Service Centers.

Preferential categories of citizens

Who to pay for?

Contributions for 15 preferential categories are paid by the state

How many?

In 2024 - 1.9%. The object of calculating state contributions is the average monthly salary preceding two years of the current financial year, determined by the authorized body in the field of state statistics.

How to pay?

  • children under 18;
  • non-working pregnant women;
  • unemployed persons raising a child until they reach three years of age;
  • persons on leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, adoption or adoption of a newborn child, as well as caring for a child until they reach three years of age;
  • mothers with many children, awarded with pendants "Altyn alka", "Kumis alka" or previously received the title "Mother Heroine", as well as awarded with the orders of "Maternal Glory" I and II degrees;
  • non-working persons caring for a disabled child;
  • persons caring for persons with disabilities since childhood;
  • disabled people;
  • pensioners and veterans of the Second World War;
  • persons studying on a full-time basis in organizations of secondary, technical and professional, post-secondary, higher education, as well as postgraduate education;
  • persons registered as unemployed;
  • non-working recipients of state targeted social assistance;
  • non-working oralmans;
  • persons serving a sentence by a court sentence in institutions of the penal system, with the exception of institutions of minimum security;
  • persons held in pre-trial detention centers.

You can check your social status through the portal.

Self-payer (an individual who has no permanent income and is not included in the list of privileged categories of citizens)

Who to pay for?

For myself

How many?

5% of 1 minimum wage

Payment purpose code SP


How to pay?

You can transfer the payment to the OSMS for yourself as an individual entrepreneur through any branch of a second-tier bank, Kazpost JSC, mobile applications, TengriBank, also through self-service terminals Kassa 24 and Qiwi wallet.

Transfer the payment to the CSHI for individual entrepreneurs through any bank branch, Kazpost JSC and the mobile application


  • correctly indicate the IIN and full name of the recipient;
  • check the refund within 2-3 working days: if there is no refund, have the right to receive medical care in the OSHI, if there is a refund, double-check the data.